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GCN Circular 8008

GRB 080723B - Swift-XRT position
2008-07-23T20:58:43Z (17 years ago)
Kim Page at U.of Leicester <>
K.L. Page (U. Leicester) reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

Swift started observing the INTEGRAL- and Super-AGILE-detected GRB 080723B
~13.4 ks after the trigger (Gotz et al., GCN Circ. 8002; Del Monte et al., 
GCN Circ. 8003). In ~560 s of data, the XRT clearly detects a source 
within the error circles, at a position of RA, Dec = 176.83393,
-60.2414, which is equivalent to

RA(J2000) =   11 47 20.14
Dec(J2000) = -60 14 29.1

with an uncertainty of 3.9 arcsec (radius, 90% containment).

Currently there are insufficient data to say whether the source is fading. 
An updated circular will be written when further data have been obtained.

This is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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