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GCN Circular 806

GRB 000926, Optical Observation
2000-09-28T07:15:17Z (24 years ago)
Jules Halpern at Columbia U. <>
J. P. Halpern, N. Mirabal (Columbia U.), D. Turnshek
& J. Busche (U. Pittsburgh) report on behalf of the 
MDM Observatory GRB follow-up team:

"We observed the optical candidate for GRB 000926
(Gorosabel et al. GCN #803; Dall et al. GCN #804)
in R and B on Sep. 28.177 UT using the MDM 2.4m.

We measure the position of the optical candidate to be
(J2000) RA 17:04:09.749, Dec +51:47:09.97 in the Guide
Star Catalog system, relative to eight stars having an
rms dispersion of 0".15.

A preliminary magnitude for the optical candidate is
measured as  R = 19.89 +/- 0.02, referenced to a USNO-A2.0
star at (J2000) RA 17:04:01.206, Dec +51:46:19.88 which 
is listed as having R = 17.1.  Since this measurement was
made from an unprocessed image, it is subject to additional
systematic error, and should not be used in serious analyses.
The decay rate is therefore still unknown."
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