GCN Circular 8097
GRB080810: MITSuME optical observation
2008-08-12T09:27:10Z (16 years ago)
Michitoshi Yoshida at Okayama Astrophysical Obs <yoshida@oao.nao.ac.jp>
M. Yoshida, K. Yanagisawa, D. Kuroda, Y. Shimizu, S. Nagayama,
H. Toda (OAO, NAOJ) and N. Kawai (Tokyo Tech) report on behalf
of the MITSuME collaboration:
We observed the optical afterglow (Ikejiri et al. GCN 8081;
Rykoff GCN 8084) of GRB 080810 (Page et al. GCN 8080) with the
optical three color (g', Rc and Ic) imager attached to the
MITSuME 50cm telescope of Okayama Astrophysical Observatory.
Photometric results are listed below. We used USNO-B1.0 stars
for flux calibration.
Mid-UT exp-T g' Rc Ic
10.60244 300 sec 17.16+/-0.06 16.70+/-0.04 15.69+/-0.05