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GCN Circular 860

GRB001007, Radio observations
2000-10-25T17:35:42Z (24 years ago)
Edo Berger at Caltech <>
D. A. Frail (NRAO) and E. Berger (Caltech) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:

"We used the VLA to observe a field centered at the position of the
optical object identified by Price, Axelrod and Schmidt (GCN #843) in
the IPN error box of GRB 001007 (GCN #841). Our images, taken on 2000
October 14.28 UT and October 21.43 UT, show an unresolved radio source
coincident with the optical source. We measure 8.46 GHz flux densities
on these two days of 222 +/- 33 uJy and 101 +/- 28 uJy, respectively.
The optical (GCN #843, #845) and radio properties of this object make
it a strong candidate for an afterglow. Further observations are

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