GCN Circular 9953
GRB 090926A: Skynet/PROMPT Continued Observations
2009-09-27T18:49:04Z (15 years ago)
Josh Haislip at U.North Carolina <haislip@physics.unc.edu>
J. Haislip, D. Reichart, K. Ivarsen, A. LaCluyze, A. Foster, J. Moore, A.
Oza, M. Schubel, J. Styblova, A. Trotter, J. A. Crain, and M. Nysewander
Skynet continued to observe the afterglow (Haislip et al., GCN 9937) of GRB
090926A (Bissaldi, GCN 9933) with four of the 16" PROMPT telescopes at CTIO
throughout the night in BVRI.
We find that the light curve brightens from the beginning of our
observations (about 19 hours after the trigger) to about 1 day after the
trigger in all bands, which is consistent with the findings of Oates &
Vetere (GCN 9948) in UVOT's u band.
Around 1 day, the light curve peaks at R = 17.8 mag (calibrated to 82 USNO
B1 stars) and begins to fade. A second, smaller rebrightening begins
around 26 hours and peaks at R = 18.0 mag around 27 hours.