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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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43 results found.

  1. GRB 221009A X-ray light-curve and the indication of TeV light-curve
  2. GRB 190829A observations in CrAO, photometry of the SN
  3. GRB 190829A: GTC confirmation of an associated Type Ic-BL Supernova
  4. GRB 190829A: ATCA cm-band detection
  5. GRB 190829A optical observation
  6. GRB190829A: Keck LRIS spectroscopic confirmation of the accompanying supernova
  7. Konus-Wind observation of GRB 190829A
  8. GRB 190829A: Liverpool Telescope observations of a slow supernova rise
  9. GRB 190829A: MASTER confirmation of GROND SN
  10. GRB190829A: GROND detection of the accompanying SN
  11. GRB 190829A: LCO Optical Afterglow Detection
  12. GRB 190829A: MeerKAT radio observation
  13. GRB 190829A: Detection of radio afterglow with the uGMRT
  14. GRB 190829A: Flattening of optical light curve from continued Liverpool Telescope photometry
  15. GRB 190829A: Continued fading inferred from Liverpool Telescope photometry
  16. GRB 190829A: Keck LRIS spectroscopy of the optical afterglow
  17. GRB 190829A: Liverpool Telescope observations
  18. GRB 190829A: TNG imaging of the NIR afterglow
  19. GRB 190829A: NOEMA detection of the mm afterglow
  20. GRB 190829A: Liverpool Telescope optical photometry
  21. GRB 190829A: UKIRT detection of the NIR Afterglow
  22. GRB 190829A: MMT detection of the optical afterglow
  23. GRB 190829A: No Neutrino Counterpart detected with ANTARES
  24. GRB 190829A: Follow up VLA and VLBI radio observations urged
  25. GRB 190829A: KAIT Detection of the Optical Afterglow
  26. GRB 190829A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
  27. GRB 190829A: AGILE-GRID upper limits
  28. GRB 190829A: AGILE ratemeters detection and MCAL upper limits
  29. GRB 190829A: Fermi GBM detection
  30. GRB 190829A: Fermi-LAT Upper Limits
  31. GRB 190829A:: Global MASTER-net optical clear and polarization observations scheduler and some spiculations
  32. GRB 190829A: Swift/UVOT detection of an optical afterglow with a rise
  33. GRB 190829A: GROND detection of the Optical/NIR Afterglow
  34. GRB 190829A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
  35. GRB 190829A: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
  36. GRB190829A: Detection of VHE gamma-ray emission with H.E.S.S.
  37. GRB 190829A: 10.4m GTC spectroscopy
  38. GRB 190829A: NOT optical afterglow detection and spectroscopy
  39. GRB 190829A: GROWTH India detection of afterglow
  40. GRB 190829A:: MASTER-net bright and decay OT detection
  41. GRB 190829A: Dabancheng-0.5m optical afterglow detection
  42. GRB 190829A: Swift detection of a burst consistent with a galaxy at z=0.08
  43. GRB 190829A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization


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