GCN Circular 14481
GRB 130427A: SNUO/SOAO/BOAO Observation
2013-04-28T03:47:29Z (12 years ago)
Myungshin Im at Seoul Nat U <mim@astro.snu.ac.kr>
M. Im, C. Choi (CEOU/SNU), H.-I. Sung, Y.-B. Jeon (KASI),
and Y. Urata (NCU) on behalf of a larger collaboration
We continued our follow-up imaging observation of
GRB 130427A (Maselli et al., GCN 14448) in BVRI filters at
Seoul National University Observatory (SNUO, 0.6m), Sobaeksan
Optical Astoronomy Observatory (SOAO, 0.6m), and Bohyunsan
Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO), all located in Korea.
The observations span the time period of about 4 hrs
between 04-27 11:28 and 04-27 15:48 UT. The GRB afterglow
(e.g., Elenin et al. GCN 14450; Im GCN 14464) is identified
in the observed frames at magnitudes of ~16-17 mag
Further analysis of the data is ongoing, and additional follow-up
observation with these and other facilities is ongoing and planned.
We thank the staffs of SOAO for performing the ToO observation.