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GCN Circular 15792

GRB 140206A: ISON-Ussuriysk optical observations
2014-02-06T15:54:46Z (11 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
A. Volnova (IKI), A. Stepura (UAFO, ISON), A. Matkin (UAFO, ISON),  I. 
Molotov (KIAM), A. Pozanenko (IKI) report on behalf of larger GRB 
follow-up collaboration:

We observed the afterglow (Oksanen et al., GCN 15786; Oate et al., GCN 
15787) of the Swift and INTEGRAL GRB 140206A (Lien et al., GCN 15784; 
Gotz et al., GCN 15785) with VT-50 (0.5m) telescope of 
UAFO/ISON-Ussuriysk observatory starting on Feb. 6 (UT) 09:20:05, i.e. 
~2 hours after burst trigger. We took unfiltered images of 30s 
exposures.  In  stacked frames we clearly detect afterglow. A 
preliminary photometry of the afterglow is following:

T_start               T0+       Filter, Exposure,   OT,     OT_err
(UT)                  (mid, d)            (s)

2014-02-06T09:20:39   0.08783   none     9*30       17.76   0.24
2014-02-06T10:52:26   0.15309   none    19*30       18.06   0.08

The photometry is based on reference stars SDSS-DR9, (R mag,
transformation by Lupton 2005)

N   SDSS_id                       R(Lupton)errR
1   J094123.75+664429.9    15.441+/-0.013
2   J094126.54+664410.8    13.837+/-0.014
3   J094131.29+664857.0    13.972+/-0.011

Observations continuing.
The finding chart can be found in
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