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GCN Circular 15806

GRB 140206A: Liverpool Telescope optical afterglow observations
2014-02-08T09:59:29Z (11 years ago)
Drejc Kopac at Math Phys U,Slovenia <>
D. Kopac, A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), A. 
Melandri (INAF-OAB), I. A. Steele, C. G. Mundell (LJMU), on behalf of a 
large collaboration report:

The 2-m Liverpool Telescope automatically observed Swift-INTEGRAL-Fermi 
GRB 140206A (Lien et al., GCN 15784; Gotz et al., GCN 15785), starting 
at 07:19:30 UT (~2.2 min after the burst trigger).

We clearly detect the fading optical afterglow at the position reported 
by Oksanen et al. (GCN 15786). In our first 10 sec frame, we estimate 
the magnitude r' = 14.97 +- 0.02 at t_mid = 135 sec since the Swift/BAT 
trigger time. The magnitude is calibrated against nearby SDSS stars.
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