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GCN Circular 1989

GRB 030329: Optical afterglow fading
2003-03-29T14:31:43Z (22 years ago)
Makoto Uemura at U. of Kyoto, Astro. <>
M. Uemura (Kyoto University) reports:

We have started observations of the field of GRB 030329 at 12:53:41
UT, and confirmed the bright afterglow candidate reported in GCN 1985
and 1986.  We use 30-cm and 25-cm SC telescopes and unfiltered CCDs at
Kyoto, Japan.

In this one hour observation, our perliminary analysis revealed a
rapid fading of the object.   From 12:53:41 UT to 13:51:01, the object
faded about 0.53 mag, which establishes that the bright candidate is
a genuine optical afterglow of GRB 030329.
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