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GCN Circular 679

GRB000519: Optical observations
2000-05-30T13:25:21Z (24 years ago)
Brian Lindgren Jensen at U.of Copenhagen <>
B. L. Jensen, H. Pedersen, J. Hjorth (U. of Copenhagen),
J. Gorosabel (DSRI, Copenhagen),
T. H. Dall, J. P. U. Fynbo (U. of Aarhus) and
S. O'Toole (U. of Sydney), report on 
behalf of a larger European collaboration:

"We have obtained images covering about 95% of the 100
sq. arcmin error  box reported by Hurley et al. (GCN #672)
with the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (+ALFOSC, mosaic
of 5 pointings) on La Palma, and the 1.54-m Danish
Telescope (+DFOSC) at La Silla, as follows:

Telescope   Date                       Filter/Exp     FWHM

NOT	    2000 May 20.17 UT (t+20h)  R: 180-360 s   1.5"
DK-1.54m    2000 May 20.39 UT (t+25h)  R: 4x240 s     1.7"
DK-1.54m    2000 May 25.37 UT (t+6d)   R: 3x300 s     3.5"

Observations were hampered by moonlight. Using the photometry 
provided by Henden (GCN #673), we obtain limiting magnitudes 
of R~20.8 for the NOT, and R~21.0 for the DK-1.5m May 20

The exposures have been compared internally, and with the 
DSS-II (red) exposure. No candidate counterpart was found."
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