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GCN Circular 825

GRB 000926: optical observations
2000-10-01T01:16:56Z (24 years ago)
Johan U. Fynbo at ESO,Garching <>
J. P. U. Fynbo, P. Moller (ESO), J. Gorosabel (DSRI, Copenhagen)
J. Hjorth, B. L. Jensen, and H. Pedersen (U. of Copenhagen), 
report on behalf of a larger European GRB Collaboration:

"Using the ALFOSC on the 2.5m Nordic Optical Telescope, we have
obtained further R-band imaging of the Optical Transient 
(OT) of GRB 000926 (GCN #801, #803, #804) on 2000 September 
30.83 UT. We also report the results of B-band imaging on 
2000 September UT 27.88 - 30.85.

We find the following magnitudes of the OT using R=17.06 and 
B=18.50 for the reference star of Halpern et al. (GCN #806, 
#824) :

30.83       R=22.45+-0.05

27.89       B=20.41+-0.03
29.86       B=22.83+-0.08
30.85       B=23.46+-0.10

We note that the colour of the OT, B-R=0.95+-0.05 (Halpern
et al., GCN #824), is similar to that of the OT of GRB 000301C 
at z=2.04, B-R=0.91+-0.03 (Jensen et al., astro-ph/0005609). 
The estimated intrinsic extinction for this OT was in the range
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