SuperNova Early Warning System (SNEWS)

Start: 2004
Data Archives: GCN Classic
SNEWS is a consortium of MeV neutrino facilities which work together to distribute early warning alerts for core-collapse supernovae, reporting the neutrinos released during the collapse event before the first light of the supernova escapes.
Facility | Type |
Super-Kamiokande | Water Cherenkov detectors |
IceCube | Water Cherenkov detectors |
KM3Net | Water Cherenkov detectors |
KamLAND | Pure liquid scintillators |
SNO+ | Pure liquid scintillators |
NOvA | Pure liquid scintillators |
HALO | Lead-based detection |
XENONnt | Liquid noble dark matter detectors |
LZ | Liquid noble dark matter detectors |
PANDAX-4T | Liquid noble dark matter detectors |
GCN Notice Types in GCN Classic and GCN Classic Over Kafka: Detailed Descriptions and Examples
Type | Contents | Latency |
SNEWS | REAL or TEST supernova alert | Minutes |
Yearly Event Rates:
Instrument | Type | Rates | Localization |
SNEWS | Core-collapse supernova | 0.03 | 5–360° |
Test alert | 52 | 5–360° |